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Comploj - Boutique Hotel Altstadt Vienna


Local Hero Robert Comploj from Glashütte Comploj

The glassblower about grumblers and the beauty of a refinery.

Comploj - Boutique Hotel Altstadt Vienna

What do you like about the area? What is your relation to the 7th district?

It happened more or less by accident, that i opened my shop in the 7th district. After a one year search for the right property, we found this former supermarket in Westbahnstrasse. We couldn’t wish for a better location! Westbahnstrasse is very diverse and has a pleasant atmosphere.

What can one buy in your store? What is your passion behind it?

We offer hand-blown glass – from drinking glass to art object. What’s so fascinating about it is the craft itself. I recommend to drop by and watch us at work, then you’ll instantly understand the passion and fascination about it.

Only in Vienna

A good cheese sausage "Eitrige".

Better somewhere else

Less grumblers and nigglers.

Sweet Vienna

Hearty Vienna

Feinedinge porcelain.

When it gets dark

Benzin und Groove (our neighbor in Bandgasse) 

Not in any tourist guide

Have a look at the OMV refinery at night, driving by in your car.

Your favorite place

At home on my couch.


Votive Church, from the outside.

What do you love about the city?

The atmosphere and the quality of life.

Comploj - Boutique Hotel Altstadt Vienna

Glashütte Comploj
Martinstrasse 28
1180 Wien

Opening hours
Monday to Saturday
10am - 6pm

Fotos © Glashütte Comploj

Guide Michelin
84 Rooms
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hotels

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at