+43 1 522 66 66
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A Taste of

Organic Altstadt Honey

Coming soon! 🍯  Organic honey fresh from the blooming garden of owner Otto Ernst Wiesenthal in the green 17th district of Vienna. Completely in the sense of living responsibility and preserving habitats nurtured, cultivated and harvested with much love and dedication by our managing director and bee whisperer Barbara Hammerschmid-Kovar. After all, it always tastes best when you know where you're food comes from.

Soon we may delight you at breakfast and tea time with our first organic Altstadt honey. We can't wait! And to keep us occopied in the meantime, we'll be watching the bees fly and our Barbara beekeeping. Bss, Bss! 🐝

84 Rooms

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at