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Suite Medium #25 - Saskia Suite - Boutique Hotel Altstadt Vienna

Tour #25

An Artwork for Saskia

Each of Otto Ernst Wiesenthal's three daughters is represented in the rooms of the Altstadt Vienna. In addition to Camilla, who is attributed to Suite #62, and Lisa, to whom Lisa's Salon is dedicated, tribute is also paid to Saskia with Suite #25. She began her career at Altstadt Vienna as a housekeeper and has always had a watchful eye on the smallest details in the house. Today, Saskia works in the marketing and art department of the Altstadt Vienna, among other things, maintaining the network with young artists and thus ensuring a steady flow of new talent into the hotel's considerable collection. The Saskia Suite is a mixture of old and new: in addition to a 1950s sideboard and wooden armchairs from the same period, there are also armchairs by the architect Ike Ikrath. Together with his wife Evelyn Ikrath, he runs the Hotel Miramonte and Haus Hirt in Bad Gastein. Everyone can let themselves fall into the comfortable armchairs, which can be found in the reception area or in the creative room on the first floor, level_41.

By the way, in the suite you will also find a work by Viennese artist Eva Wagner (* 1967). Another of her abstract paintings is exhibited in the White Suite #61.

See photos of the Saskia Suite #25 below.

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84 Rooms

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at