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Suite XL #88 - Otto Suite - Boutique Hotel Altstadt Vienna

Tour #88

Otto Suite

Ottos Empire

It feels a bit like entering Otto Ernst Wiesenthal's mansion when you walk into the suite through the double doors. Until a few years ago, this would probably have been the case. The founder of the hotel once lived in the wing where one room and two suites are located today. Remnants of the former apartment can still be found at the end of the hotel corridor, where the kitchen was located at that time, as well as in the suite itself. Artist Peter Ruehle (*1975) brings the element of water into the space with his painting. A work of art by his twin brother Thorsten Ruehle (*1975) can be found in the Bösendorfer Suite #77, where it depicts an everyday object.

See photos of the Otto Suite #88 below.

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Do you also want to stay in a suite like #88? It is a Suite XL.

84 Rooms

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at