For the
little ones
Vienna with children
Vienna has a lot to offer, also for children. You can find a small selection of our personal tips here.
The most beautiful souvenirs and clothes for children:
- Herr & Frau Klein everything for children
- Daantje clothes and toys
- Copenhagen Kids Style: scandinavian fashion for kids
- Kindergalerie Sonnenschein: hand sewn toys for young and old
- Lalekula Kids: Clothing, toys and more
- Spielwurm: Wooden toys and educational games

Restaurants and cafés
Kids sometimes need more space or just a little more patience. Our recommendations for child-friendly restaurants:

- Dschungel Kindercafe
- Espresso
- Veganista vegan ice cream
- Kaiserpavillon at Tiergarten Schönbrunn
- Cafe Himmelblau
- KinderCafé Lauserpause
Where to go when it's too rainy, cold or hot? We suggest these places to you:
- Zoom Ozean: Children's museum for the youngest. Tip: online registration
- Haus des Meeres: Escape during rain, rainforest, aquarium, observation deck, climbing wall, playground, store
- Naturhistorisches Museum: moving dinosaur, meteorite collection, digital planetarium, Venus of Willendorf, etc.
- Technisches Museum: Airplanes, cars, hamster wheel to generate your own electricity, children's playground, technical devices to try out, nice store, right next to Schönbrunn
- Hauptbibliothek: Escape place when it rains. Children's corner. Just sit in it and read until the bad weather has cleared away
- Children's theater: Dschungel Wien, Lilarum, Praterkasperl, Sargfabrik

Exploring the city with kids or enjoying nature. We like to do that best here:

- Schönbrunner Tiergarten oldest zoo in the world, playground, large park
- Old Danube swimming, pedal boating, eating ice cream
- Böhmischer Prater a bit out of the way, but next to a primeval forest. Historical carousels, rattling roller coasters, can shooting, etc. rather for smaller children, Punch and Judy shows, langos, quaint Vienna (or Prollo).
- Grüner Prater: lots of meadow for running around, chestnut trees, playgrounds, tobogganing and snowball fights in winter
- Christkindlmarkt at Karlsplatz: pedal carousel, delicious waffles, petting zoo, beautiful scenery