Local Hero Sabine Kriebel from SBIN*
The Altstadt Vienna is located at the bottom of the Spittelberg, in the middle of the trendy 7th district. Or as others call it: Boboville. Our portraits "Local Heroes" give you an insight into a piece of real Vienna. From the perspective of real Viennese, our neighbors.
Viennese fashion designer Sabine Kriebel gives us an insight into her Vienna and knows where to find the best apricot pancakes in town.

What do you like about the area? Why are you in the 7th district?
There is no other district in Vienna, that comprises fashion, design and decent places to eat in such way. Besides the big shopping streets, you can find a great variety of little shops with a very individual assortment. The Ulrichsplatz is a very lively, attractive place that brings together all sorts of people.
What are you selling? What is your passion behind it?
100 % Fashion & Design from Austria.
SBIN* (from Sabine) is my very own fashion label and represents urban fashion from Vienna. I create simple, not playful pieces with a clear attendance and that certain something. The style is puristic, uncomplicated, easy to combine and made from high quality fabrics to be comfortable in. My collection and single items are made on site, in the gallery on the upper level, where my studio is situated. The store and work space are therefore under one roof.
Besides my own label, I also represent other Austrian designers of fashion, jewellery and accessories. My shop is a multi-label-store that offers a selection of appealing local design.
Only in Vienna
The "weißer G’spritzter" (white wine with soda).
Lifeball & Operaball.
Better somewhere else
Lots of museums offer free entry e.g. in London.
Sweet Vienna
Pancakes with jam.
The best ice-cream outside Italy, for example at Schelato.
Hearty Vienna
Gasthof „Zum Renner“ at Nußdorfer Platz in 1190.
When it gets dark
In summer: sitting at Donaukanal.
In winter: strawberry-punch at „Das Augustin“ in 1150.
Not in any tourist guide
Blumengärten Hirschstetten in 1220.
Your favorite place
Augartenspitz in 1020.
The Wotrubakirche, the Café Demel, a jazz concert at Porgy & Bess.
You can skip although in the guidebook
Danube shipping.
Bermuda-triangle, a party area in the first district.
What do you love about the city?
Vienna combines the conveniences of a big city with the straightforwardness of a small town. History meets modern design. The serenity that slows you down. The "Wiener Schmäh" (Viennese sense of humor).

Burggasse 22
Opening hours
Tuesday to Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Fotos © SBIN*