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Meetings in the
Art Exhibition

Do your eyes tend to wander during meetings? To ensure you’re not gazing into a void, our level41 meeting rooms regularly feature new exhibitions from up-and-coming artists through our Kultursoda Art Salon, curated by Saskia Wiesenthal. No, we’re not trying to distract you from your meeting … just keeping you inspired.

Currently, Patrick Roman Scherer’s exhibition, OUT OF THE BLANK, offers fresh perspectives. And starting November 12, the works of twin brothers Torsten and Peter Ruehle will be showcased in ALS WIR TRÄUMTEN (WHEN WE DREAMED). By the way, we also serve art on a bun during breaks — lovingly crafted by Fatima and Jasminka.

Guide Michelin
84 Rooms
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hotels

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at