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Tobias Moretti about his Altstadt Experience

Passionate motorcyclist Tobias Moretti is, beyond a doubt, one of the most successful actors in the German-speaking world. Audiences know him as a devil-may-care Tyrolean womanizer in the Piefka Saga, the doggie-treat-tossing police officer in Kommissar Rex, or as the personification of darkness in the Austria western “Das Finstere Tal”. He has even been seen portraying the devil himself. Which actually didn’t hurt him at all. Recipient of 7 Romys, he is one of the most popular figures in his profession.

Tobias Moretti

Describe the feel of the Altstadt Vienna.

“Feel” is absolutely the write word: It feels. And has a unique feeling. For people like us, who constantly have to be in different locations, this hotel isn’t simply another hotel, it’s a place where, for a period of time, you have a home. And that makes it special. You are surrounded by art and nice people, in the casual living room you feel like you are in a traditional Pension, at a shared table, where the owner asks you when you expect to return home, and with whom. For my part, I hope that this house retains its character and never falls victim to passing trends.


Which is your favorite room?

There are several, and they are all different. I really love the Seehof Suite and Harald's Room and Sari’s Home.


When and how did your relationship with the Altstadt Vienna begin?

I don’t know anymore. It was a long time ago, and everything was still in the building phase. But my affection remains unabated.


Describe the Altstadt Vienna in one word.
It has a high-spirited elegance, yet never appears overly ambitious. Instead, it keeps things simple. I can’t express it in any fewer words than that.

Find out what Tobias Moretti's favourite rooms look like:

Guide Michelin
84 Rooms
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hotels

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at