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Waves of

Revo Foods

Genuinely good salmon that doesn't harm anybody? Yes please! The Revo team on their no-compromise seafood alternative on our breakfast buffet:

Which of your products can be found at the Altstadt?

The Revo™ Salmon smoked

What is the passion behind your products?

Good for me - good for the ocean. Rich in protein, omega-3 and vitamins, Revo Salmon is an uncompromising seafood alternative and brings a new wave of flavor to salmon lovers. Ideally used during pregnancy, for people with histamine intolerance, flexitarians and vegans. Revo Salmon is 100% plant-based and already available in 18 countries in Europe. Join the Seafood Revolution!

... and what we love about your products?

Vegan salmon that doesn't hurt a soul but tastes incredibly delicious - a real upgrade for our breakfast buffet.

Learn more about our favorite products and suppliers here:

Guide Michelin
84 Rooms
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hotels

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at