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Gin from

Florian Koller from
Wien Gin

Florian Koller reveals what Wien Gin and the Altstadt have in common.

Which of your products can be found in the Altstadt?

Our Wien Gin has been available at Altstadt Vienna for as long as we can remember!

What is the passion behind your products?

Since the beginning, we have been united not only by the common demand for the highest quality, but also by the search for relaxation, art, pleasure and culinary delights. Wien Gin unites Vienna's special features, as well as the Altstadt. Cheeky, playful, definitely tradition-conscious, that's what unites us and our two establishments. Where you meet, where you enjoy, where you discuss, a charming place, with a drinking experience of the charming "Viennese way". Just Vienna. Kiss the hand and Kesselbrüder.

... and what we love about you?

Finally a Vienna souvenir with real value.

Learn more about our favorite products and suppliers here:

Guide Michelin
84 Rooms
Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hotels

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at