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Robert Zwettler about his Altstadt Experience

This personable Graz-native, owner of media & more communications consulting, worked as a manager and producer in the TV industry for 16 years before launching his own agency. In 2007, he took over advertising sales for trend & FORMAT property marketing. His life motto: Think pink, live and let live.

Describe the feel of the Altstadt Vienna.

A feel-good oasis with a personal touch.

Which is your favorite room?

In general, that’s really hard to say. Though in my particular case, of course, “

Robert’s Place”. An intimate bedroom, an appealing living room, a spacious bathroom.

When and how did your relationship with the Altstadt Vienna begin?

In 2005. A friend who was already an avid fan of the Altstadt meant well by me.

Describe the Altstadt Vienna in one word.


Find out what Robert's Place looks like.

84 Rooms

Altstadt ViennaKirchengasse 41, 1070 Wien, Österreich, Tel. +43 1 522 66 66, hotel@altstadt.at